How to Edit Footer in Divi Theme? (Step-by-Step Guide)

Are you looking to edit the footer in your Divi theme? If yes, you landed in the right place. In this article, you will learn how easy it is to customize the footer of any Divi theme.

Creating an effective footer for your website is the key to boosting user engagement and providing a better user experience.

The footer of a website is often overlooked, but it can be a powerful tool for displaying important information, such as contact details, copyright information, and links to other pages.

If you’re new to editing or designing a website footer, this blog post will provide an overview of the process and tips on how to make the most out of your footer.

From understanding the importance of a well-crafted footer to learning how to edit or design one, this guide will help you create a good-looking footer on your website.

Let’s start our guide!

Default Divi Footer

The default Divi footer contains three primary sections. The first section is the main section, where you can place multiple widgets. The second is the menu section, where you can add your site’s menu to the footer. The last section is the bottom section, where you can place the site’s credits and social media icons.

default divi footer
Default Divi Footer

Benefits of Editing Divi Footer

The footer is an important part of a website, and it should not be overlooked. It can be used to provide information about the company, its services, contact details, and even links to other pages. A good footer design can help visitors find the information they are looking for quickly.

It also helps in improving user experience and engagement on the website. Editing or designing the footer of a website can lead to several benefits, such as improved user experience, better brand recognition, increased conversion rates, and more.

Furthermore, it helps in creating a professional look for the website, which is essential for building trust with customers. Moreover, you can also add menu items to the footer that help in making site navigation better.

How to Edit Footer in Divi Theme

Editing the footer of your website is an important part of creating a professional and inviting look. With Divi Theme, you can easily customize the footer to match your brand and make it stand out from the rest.

In this article, I will discuss how to edit the footer in Divi Theme and provide some tips on making sure your footer looks great.

We’ll also discuss some of the use cases for editing your footer, such as adding custom text or links, displaying social media icons, and more. By following the below steps, you can ensure that your site’s footer looks polished and professional.

customizing footer
Customizing Footer

The first step is to open the customizer of your website so that you can customize footer elements. To do this, go to “Appearance> Customize”. Next, select “Footer,” and you will see five more options, as shown in the above image. Basically, these five options are:

  • Layout
  • Widgets
  • Footer Elements
  • Footer Menu
  • Bottom Bar

Editing Footer Layout

In this section, you can choose your footer layout and background color. Divi offers you 20-footer layouts; you have to choose any one from them.

Choose a perfect layout as per your footer elements.

editing footer layout
Editing Footer Layout

You have to simply click on any Column Layout and also select the footer background color as shown in the above image.

Editing Footer Widgets

In this section, you will edit footer widgets. But before editing widgets, first, you have to add them to your footer. To do this, go to “Appearance > Widgets”.

editing footer widgets
Editing Footer Widgets

Here, you will see that you have a total of 6 footer areas where you add different widgets. The first area is the leftmost column of the footer, and one is the last column of the footer. So, you can say that you have 6 columns (horizontal columns) in the footer.

editing footer widgets - step 2
Editing Footer Widgets – Step 2

To add a widget, simply click on the “+” icon and choose any widget from the options and Update the changes.

editing footer widgets - step 3
Editing Footer Widgets – Step 3

Now, go back to the “Customizer > Widgets,” and here you will see many customization options like:

  • Changing header text size and font style.
  • Changing body text size, line height, and font style.
  • You can also change the widget text color and link color.

Editing Footer Elements

editing footer elements
Editing Footer Elements

In this section, you can control the display setting of social media icons. You will only get one setting where you can either choose to show or hide social media icons.

enabling social media options
Enabling Social Media Options

If you want to edit the social media icons, then go to “Divi > Theme Options” and here you can enable or disable social media icons and can also add your own social media profile links, as shown in the above image.

Editing Footer Menu

This section allows you to control and customize your footer menu. As you know, the footer menu is very essential for you as it helps the visitor navigate throughout your site. Hence, customizing the footer makes it more accessible to visitors.

editing footer menu
Editing Footer Menu

Haven’t you allocated the footer menu yet? Don’t worry; I will show you how you can do it.

Go to “Appearance > Menus” and create a new menu if you don’t have one. Give it a name like “Footer Menu,” and add any page you want to this newly created menu. Also, make sure you tick the “Footer Menu” checkbox under “Menu Settings,” as shown in the above image.

Also, if you want to display your primary menu (header menu) as a footer menu, then you can do this as well. Simply, select your menu and tick the “Footer Menu” checkbox as you did in the above step.

editing footer menu
Editing Footer Menu

Now, go back to the “Customizer > Footer Menu”.

Here, you can perform a few customizations to your footer, like changing the background, text, and menu link color. Also, edit letter spacing, font size, and style.

Editing Bottom Bar

This is the last section of our footer. This section is located at the very bottom of the footer. It is displayed on every page of your website.

editing bottom bar
Editing Bottom Bar

Here, you can change the background color, text color, font size, and font style, and here you will also get an option to customize social media icon size and color.

editing footer credits
Editing Footer Credits

Next, you can also edit the “Footer Credits. By default, your Divi theme displays a credit with a link to Elegant Themes.

editing footer links
Editing Footer Links

You can replace the default text with your own text. Along with plain text, you can also add links by using the HTML tag – <a href>. As you can see in the above image, I have added a simple footer credit along with a link.

Moreover, you can also choose to disable your footer credit by simply ticking the “DISABLE FOOTER CREDITS” options.

Wrapping Up!

Editing or designing a website footer is a great way to add personality and value to your website. With some basic steps, you can easily customize the look and feel of your footer.

You can also add additional information, such as contact information and navigation links to make it easier for visitors to find what they need. To do this, simply follow the above guide, which contains easy-to-follow steps to edit the footer of your Divi theme.

If you have any questions regarding editing the footer, then feel free to comment below. Thanks for reading this guide!

Sunny Kumar

Number of posts: 145

Hi, I'm Sunny Kumar, a passionate tech enthusiast and a blogger from New Delhi, India. With a degree in IT from IIT-D and expertise in SEO, Cloud Computing, Telecom & Networking, and CEH, I specialize in various technical fields, including SEO, WordPress Development, and PC Building. And being a proficient WordPress user, I’m dedicated to delivering quality content and a remarkable user experience.

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