Write for Us

Are you looking to submit your guest posts to our website TheWPX? The primary goal of our website is to deliver high-quality articles in WordPress, Blogging, and SEO niches to our readers.

If you have valuable tips, tricks, ideas, or techniques and want to share them with our friends and family, you’re most welcome to write for us and submit your article with solid research and useful insights.

But before moving forward to our guest posting guidelines, I would like to share the benefits you’ll get by sharing your article on our website.

Benefits of Sharing Posts on Our Website

When it comes to submitting articles on our website, the benefits cannot be ignored. If you submit an article to our website, you’ll get plenty of websites, which are mentioned below.

  • We receive thousands of traffic monthly, so you’ll get quality referrals to your website
  • A high-quality backlink from our website (it will surely boost your ranking)
  • Your article will be shared in an email list with more than 30K members and a Facebook group of 5K+ members and counting.

Please note: Submitting your guest post on our website doesn’t guarantee publication. It will first go through a strict quality guidelines checks, and then it will be further sent for the publication.

So, before submitting your guest post on our website, make sure your article follow our guidelines, is plagiarism-free, passes the AI detection check, and is well-formatted.

Style Guide – for Sending Guest Post

After the benefits, here are some of the guidelines and formatting rules you need to follow before sending your article for publication.

As we told you earlier, we have strict quality checks. Every article on our website goes through this same quality check before publication. So, before sending your article to us, you need to make sure everything is well-formatted.

These guidelines are:

  • Length of Article: The first thing you need to make sure is the length of the article. Before submitting your article, make sure it has a minimum word of 1,200.
  • Include Meta Tags: Every article should have a separate title tag and a well-written meta description that properly resembles the content.
  • HTML-Rich Content: Your article should also include multiple headings from H2-H4 and listicle points and be optimized for readability. If possible, I also prefer to use simple words rather than some typical words, which are hard to spell and read.
  • Images: Articles without images are boring, and no one likes to read. Therefore, when you submit your article, make sure to include some images (and please don’t use stock images).
  • Plagiarism & AI-Free: This is one of the main reasons why we reject articles. Please ensure your article is free from any kind of plagiarism and AI detection, and always remember you are human, not AI.

These are the things our content team always checks in any guest posting article we accept on our website. To get your article published quickly on our website, remember to follow these styling guides in your article.

What Type of Content Do We Accept?

We accept anything related to WordPress and anything that helps beginners from starting their blogs to learn new things. Some of these categories are;

  • SEO
  • WordPress
  • Affiliate Marketing

And basically, anything that will help bloggers grow.

How to Submit Your Article for Publication?

Once your article is ready, please double-check if it follows the guidelines we have listed on this same page. If it does, please check for plagiarism and AI.

Once everything is properly checked, attach a featured image of yours, along with your name, email, and bio, along with your article, and send it to [email protected]. Add [email protected] in CC.

Happy Blogging!

Sunny Kumar

Number of posts: 145

Hi, I'm Sunny Kumar, a passionate tech enthusiast and a blogger from New Delhi, India. With a degree in IT from IIT-D and expertise in SEO, Cloud Computing, Telecom & Networking, and CEH, I specialize in various technical fields, including SEO, WordPress Development, and PC Building. And being a proficient WordPress user, I’m dedicated to delivering quality content and a remarkable user experience.