How to Add Internal Links to WordPress (My #1 Pick)

Are you looking for a way to add internal links to your WordPress site? If yes, you landed on the right spot!

Are you tired of visitors leaving your website after reading just one page? Do you want to increase engagement and keep your readers on your site for longer? One way to achieve this is by adding internal links to your website.

Internal linking not only helps to keep visitors on your site but also helps with SEO by improving the structure and hierarchy of your content.

In this blog post, I will guide you through the process of adding internal links to WordPress, so you can improve user experience and boost your website’s ranking.

What are Internal Links?

Internal Links

Internal linking is the process of connecting different pages of your website. It is like a roadmap that guides search engines and users to various parts of your website. This process helps search engine crawlers to understand the layout and importance of your website content. As a result, it becomes easy for them to index your pages in search results.

From the viewpoint of a user, internal links make it simple to move around your website. They also play a significant role in boosting engagement on your website by motivating visitors to check out more of your website pages.

Key takeaways of internal linking include:

  • It’s like creating a roadmap of your website for search engines and users.
  • Helps search engines to understand, index, and rank your pages in search results.
  • It makes your website user-friendly, facilitating easy navigation.
  • Boosts user engagement by encouraging the exploration of more pages.
  • The use of descriptive anchor text in internal links is crucial as it should accurately reflect the linked page’s content.

In a nutshell, internal linking is an important part of a well-built website, making it easier for both search engines and users to navigate and interact with your content effectively.

Importance of Adding Internal Links to Website

Internal linking is an essential aspect of any website. Internal links are important for several reasons, including improving website navigation, boosting SEO rankings, and increasing user engagement.

By adding internal links to your website, you make it easier for users to find related content and navigate through your site. This can lead to increased user engagement and longer session times. Additionally, search engines use internal links to crawl and index your site more effectively, which can improve your rankings.

Overall, adding internal links is a simple yet effective way to improve user experience and boost your website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Here are the top reasons why you should add internal links:

  • Help to improve website navigation and user experience by guiding visitors to related content on your site.
  • Help to spread link equity and authority throughout your site, which can help to boost the ranking of all pages.
  • Help to reduce bounce rates and increase engagement by providing visitors with more opportunities to explore your site and find content that interests them.
  • Help to keep visitors on your site longer, which will increase more chances of a desired action (such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter).

How to Add Internal Links to WordPress

Adding internal links to your WordPress pages and posts is pretty simple and can be achieved by following simple steps. Below, I will let you go through both manual and automatic methods of including internal links to WordPress.

Method 1: Manually Adding Internal Links in WordPress

In the first method, I will help you learn how you can add internal links to WordPress manually. The best part is that this method doesn’t need any third-party tool or plugin.

All Posts in WordPress

First, open any post or page (or create a new one) where you want to add internal links. For this, go to “Posts or Pages > All Posts or Pages” and click on the “Edit” button, as shown in the above image.

adding internal links to posts
Adding Internal Links to Posts

Next, highlight the text where you want to add the internal link and click on the link icon in the text editor toolbar. Now, you will see a field where you can enter the URL of the page or post you want to link to. You can also select a post or page from the list as shown in the above image.

Optional: Click on the “Open link in new tab” checkbox if you want the linked page to open in a new tab.

Method 2: Add Internal Links In WordPress Using Plugin

If you have a limited number of blog posts, manual internal linking may suffice. However, when you’re dealing with hundreds of posts on your website, opting for an automatic approach is the way to go.

This not only saves time but also ensures that all your pages are interlinked in a seamless and efficient manner.

There are plenty of WordPress plugins for internal linking that allow you to insert internal links to posts and pages automatically. I personally use and recommend the “Link Whisper” plugin (see how I used this plugin to interlink my Amazon affiliate website and earn around $2,955/mo).

installing linkwhisper plugin
Installing LinkWhisper Plugin

Get $20 OFF on LinkWhisper

This plugin has both free and paid versions. For this guide, we will use the free version. To start using it, go to “Plugins > Add New,” search for Link Whisper (Here’s a link to the Free Version), and install and activate the plugin.

LinkWhisper Suggested Links

In the next step, open any post or page and scroll to the bottom of the page, where you will find a section called “Link Whisper Suggested Links” that contains all the recommended links.

copy link option in linkwhisper
Copy the Link Option in LinkWhisper

If any suggestion is good to copy, just click on the “Copy Link” option as shown in the above image.

Scroll to the Test Option in LinkWhisper

Once you click on copy, a popup will appear where you can select “Scroll to Test” to jump to the anchor text automatically.

Adding Links Using LinkWhisper

Next, simply add the copied link in the given field, as shown in the above image.

LinkWhisper Internal Links Report

You can also check your internal links report by visiting “Link Whisper > Report.”

LinkWhisper Settings

Moreover, you also have a few settings that you can customize. Go to “Link Whisper > Settings” and change different settings here. For example, select language, add words to ignore, show suggestions on categories and other places, choose the maximum number of suggestions to display, and a few other settings.

Wrapping Up!

In conclusion, adding internal links to your WordPress website is a simple yet effective way to improve user experience and boost your SEO efforts.

By linking relevant pages and posts within your site, you can help guide your readers to the content they are looking for and keep them engaged with your site. With the easy-to-use tools available in WordPress, there’s no excuse not to start incorporating internal links into your website today. Above in this guide, I have described both manual and automatic methods to add internal links.

You can simply follow the steps provided in this guide. Still, if you face any difficulties in implementing the steps, feel free to comment below your queries.

Sunny Kumar

Number of posts: 145

Hi, I'm Sunny Kumar, a passionate tech enthusiast and a blogger from New Delhi, India. With a degree in IT from IIT-D and expertise in SEO, Cloud Computing, Telecom & Networking, and CEH, I specialize in various technical fields, including SEO, WordPress Development, and PC Building. And being a proficient WordPress user, I’m dedicated to delivering quality content and a remarkable user experience.

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