How to Force HTTPS on WordPress With and Without Plugin?

As an SEO expert and a WordPress developer myself, I know the importance of using HTTPS on our website and also understand the critical significance of forcing HTTPS on WordPress websites. If we fail to do so after implementing a new SSL on our website, it will increase the chance of accessing our …

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How to Add Shortcodes in Divi Theme (2 Different Ways)

Are you looking to add shortcodes in Divi theme pages? If yes, you are on the right place. This blog will guide you on how you can insert different shortcodes in your Divi theme pages. Shortcodes are an easy way to add additional content to a website. They can be used to add contact …

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How to Reduce Server Response Time (TTFB) in WordPress

When optimizing the speed of your website, we often emphasize improving front-end performance. But it’s also essential to examine the server-side performance, where the loading process starts. If you have ever run a test on PageSpeed Insights, you might have come across various recommendations on how to “Reduce initial server response time.” This …

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How to Add & Remove Categories in WordPress

Want to add and remove categories from WordPress? Don’t worry! I will guide you on how you can easily achieve this by following simple steps. Categories are an easy way to organize your blog posts and make your blog more useful and easier to navigate. It is very important to divide your website’s …

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How to Add YouTube Video Background in Divi Theme

Video content has now become a major component of the modern web users’ experience. It acts as a website’s dynamic content and is a major factor in how users interact and how Google ranks it. Using a video background on your YouTube website, you can easily engage and delight visitors. Through this means …

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How to Get Post & Page ID in WordPress (Simple Steps)

Are you looking to build a custom plugin or function for some specific reasons in WordPress and want to get the post or page IDs? In WordPress, every post or page has a unique identifier known as an ID, and these IDs are the ones that differentiate one post or page from another. …

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