How To Write Effective Blog Descriptions For Branding & Attracting Traffic | Best Tips

You might think writing a proper blog description isn’t important, right? But trust me, you need to pay attention to this.

A good blog description is key for your brand’s image and to attract more visitors, just like getting a discount on an online pizza order is a must.

I want to tell you why blog posts are so valuable: they promote your brand. Plus, a solid blog description is super important because it helps people find your blog on Google.

According to Google’s traffic rules, your blog description can really impact how many people visit your site. When someone spots your blog on Google, the description gives them a quick peek at what your blog is all about.

  • The niche of the blog or writer
  • Crucial topics being discussed
  • The advantages your blog offers to readers

In SEO, a blog description is often referred to as a “Meta Description.”

In this article, we’ve tried to cover everything about how to write jaw-dropping blog descriptions, including a few examples.

If you stick with this article until the end, chances are you won’t need a meta description generator tool to write your blog descriptions.

Shall we start? Okay!

What is a Blog Description?

Think of a blog description as a quick intro to what your blog is about. When it comes to SEO, this is often called a “Meta Description,” which shows under your website link in search results.

Let’s get this easy with an example you can relate to.

Imagine you’re someone who knows a lot about digital marketing, and you’re giving top-notch advice on SEO, blogging, and affiliate marketing to both pros and beginners. Now, how would you grab the attention of your visitors and convert them into buyers or regular customers using just a few attractive words?

Here’s what I would say:

(Name of the blog) + how it helps (the targeted audience) to achieve the desired advantage.

Importance of Meta Description Or Blog Description

It’s really good to know that the special description you write for your blog shows what your blog is all about.

Plus, when I guide you to craft a unique blog description, you’ll surely be different from other bloggers. So, if you’re looking to climb up the Google search rankings and get more clicks, I’m here to help you do just that.

Opens Up Remarkable Marketing Opportunities:

You should understand how important a blog description is. If you are not paying attention to this, you’re making a big mistake as a blogger without knowing it!

When someone searches for your blog’s topic on Google, a good and meaningful blog description can really help your brand stand out.

The first thing that catches people’s attention is an attractive blog description. So, it’s wise to avoid any problems by using a clear meta description. I’m sharing this from my experience, and it can really make a difference for you.

It Gives You Access To Attract More Organic Traffic:

If you want more people to visit your blog or website, it’s important not to miss the chance of getting your post to rank well.

As someone who knows the ins and outs of Digital Marketing, working with some of the world’s top companies, I can tell you that around 80% of readers check out your blog’s description before they decide to click on your post.

So, if you’re curious about how important your post description really is, feel free to leave your questions in the comments section at the bottom of this blog post. We’re here to share our expertise with you!

How Does Blog Description Work For Your Blog Posts?

The search engine looks at lots of blog pages and puts the one on top that really solves people’s problems.

You should choose pages that match your issue closely. My best advice for writing an amazing post description is to get a copywriter who can make your blog description stand out.

Explore The Types of Description:

Two types of description are there:

  1. Blog Description
  2. Blog Post Description

Now get to know about both of them!

1. Blog Meta Description

Do you see those lines of text below the website links on Google or any other search engine? I’m an expert in those. They’re called snippets, and they give you a quick idea of what’s on the web page before you click on it.

blog description, blog description examples, blogger description, example of a blog, what is search description in blogger
Blog Description

2. Blog Post Description

It refers to the blog post description that appears in the Search Engine Results Pages just below the URL of your blog post.

However, the post description varies from blog to blog.

Blog Post Description

There’s A Reason to Devote Time the Blog Description

You’ll be surprised to know that spending time on a strong blog description is really valuable! If you’ve already got 50+ blog posts, it’s high time you pay attention to crafting a powerful blog description!

You should also care about attracting organic traffic with an excellent meta description. If you’re keen to learn how top digital marketers create blog descriptions, keep reading!

I spend a lot of my time, like 80%, writing new, high-quality content and the rest, which is 20%, I use to update and make old content better. If you’re spending less time on writing custom descriptions, it’s time to rethink that because it’s part of this crucial 20%.

PRO TIP: Setting a custom blog description is no longer considered effective!

Writing A Blog Description

Writing a catchy blog description is very important these days, don’t you agree? But if you use WordPress, then adding a description to your blog posts is as easy as getting discounted tickets for a movie before it’s out.

Remember this part of the blog post, where I tell you that your post’s description should give your readers a hint about what you specialize in and the purpose of your content.

If you come up with a powerful description, then there’s a high chance that readers will want to click on your writing! Isn’t that great?

But remember, the main reasons to write a good blog description are for branding and increasing your website traffic. In WordPress, most folks go for plugins like Yoast SEO or RankMath to help with this.

1. Yoast SEO Plugin

blog description, blog description examples, blogger description, example of a blog, what is search description in blogger
Yoast SEO

Follow these steps if you are using the Yoast SEO Plugin:

  • Open your WordPress dashboard.
  • Go to Settings.
  • Click on “Meta and Title.”
  • Next, select the “Homepage” option.
  • Finally, you will see the “Meta Description Field,” where you need to enter the blog description.

PRO TIP: Don’t forget to add the website title and keywords related to your blog post.

2. RankMath SEO Plugin

blog description, blog description examples, blogger description, example of a blog, what is search description in blogger
RankMath SEO

The process is similar to the RankMath SEO Plugin, just like the Yoast SEO Plugin. To craft an exceptional meta description using the RankMath Plugin, follow these basic steps:

  • Open your WordPress dashboard.
  • The second step is to go to the “Rank Math” settings.
  • The third step is to click on the “Title and Meta” option.
  • In the fourth step, click on the “Homepage” option.

There you will find the “Homepage Meta Description” section, where adding a meta description or the blog description is simple, secure, and impactful.

Do you understand how to write meta/post descriptions using RankMath and Yoast SEO Plugin? We would like to hear from you!

Take A Deep Dive Into Remarkable Blog Description Example

Lovely people, with almost everything going viral on the internet these days, we realize that you, too, want your blog to go viral. Isn’t that true?

So, lend us your ears, because in the following content, we are going to share with you the best blog description examples from top-rated niches such as Lifestyle, Entertainment, Self-improvement, Relationships, Gardening, Travel, and Technology.

blog description, blog description examples, blogger description, example of a blog, what is search description in blogger
Homepage Meta Description

Pro Tip for You – Save all these examples of meta descriptions; they’re super useful across different fields. They’ll guide you to create powerful post descriptions, and I’m here to share this expert tip with you!

1. Gardening Blog Description Examples:

Suppose you have a gardening website or blog where you aim to educate readers on the best gardening tips. In that case, you should write a meta/blog description as follows:

End your search here if you’re looking to start a garden from scratch. Find the top tips for setting up a new garden.

2. Entertainment Blog Description Examples:

In case if you want to educate readers through your blog about the most expensive house in the world, then follow this kind of meta-description writing :

Find the top expensive houses owned by rich people in the world. Check if you can afford them or not! Check their availability for sale.

3. Travel Blog Description Examples:

Travel bloggers earn handsome amounts through travel blogging. So, if you have a travel blog or you are an owner of a travel company whose intent is to educate readers about destination guides, then you should write a meta description of the travel blog like this:

Wanna travel to your favorite destination? Find out the best deals on the flight tickets, best info about things to do & places to visit. Read now!

4. Technology Blog Description Example:

Suppose a tech blogger wants to inform people about the top space companies but doesn’t know how to write an effective meta description. He/she can follow the style:

Discover the top space companies in the world. They all are best to turn your space, hoping to dream into reality. Click the link!

5. Self-Improvement Blog Description Example:

You can impart self-improvement tips to your reader on the proper ways to improve their English-keeping skills. Here’s how;

Discover the best knowledge on improving your English-speaking skills. Check the link and find tips to improve your English at home.

6. Lifestyle Blog Description Example:

If a lifestyle outlet wants to inform customers about the discounted price they are offering, they will write a description of the blog this way:

Behold all ya shopaholics – We are offering you a three-day sale of up to 50% off on its products, and we’re dancing with joy!

7. Relationship Blog Description Example

If you’re into the relationship niche, you can write a blog description like this;

Do you want to improve the parent-child relationship? Here’s how you can deepen your bond with kids. Read the article.

What’s the Length of the Meta Description?

Now that’s a great question! Well, the length of the meta description is a maximum of 160 characters. If you use more than 160 characters, chances are raiders will not get engaged with your post or blog. So avoid using more than 160 characters.

Tips to Craft Worthy Blog Post Description:

  • Make it easy and simple, so people of all ages can relate to your blog message or service.
  • Insert similar long-tail keywords.
  • Avoid exceeding 160 characters.
  • Use secondary keywords as well.
  • Add a call-to-action.
  • Get some ideas from your competitors, but don’t copy them.
  • Avoid stuffing your content with too many keywords.

Tips for Adding Blog Description on Blogger:

Here’s how you can add a meta description if you’re using Blogspot or Blogger and struggling to get started. Just follow these simple steps:

blog description, blog description examples, blogger description, example of a blog, what is search description in blogger
Adding Blog Description in BlogSpot
  • Open the Blogspot dashboard.
  • Click on the “Settings” option on the left sidebar.
  • Select “Search Preferences” within the settings menu.
  • You will be directed to a page where you must add your blog description.

PRO TIP – Turn ON the “enable search description” option if you want to help your description show up in search engines.

MASTERFUL ADVICE – Switch to WordPress ASAP if you are on Blogger. If you want to know how to switch from Blogger to WordPress, tell us in the comments!

How to Add a Description on Blogspot?

Adding a description to your blog on the Blogger platform is a very simple task. The first step is to open your post editor in Blogger.

You will find the “Search Description” section in the right sidebar, where you can add a description.

How to Write a Masterful Blog Description:

Follow these tips to write a masterful blog description to improve your ranking on search engines:

  • Insert your primary keyword – Use your primary keyword in the description only once. Use LSI or secondary keywords
  • Choose 2-3 trending LSI keywords to include in your blog description.
  • Call to action – This encourages people to take action, such as opening a link, commenting, liking, and more.
  • Limit yourself to 160 characters – Be aware of the maximum length for a blog description, which is 160 characters. Beyond that, the description won’t align with the search engine algorithm.
  • Avoid keyword stuffing – Insert both primary and secondary keywords only once in the meta description.

Killer Tips About Using Keywords in Your Blog Post Description:

Check out the video attached below to find and master the knowledge of writing SEO-friendly meta descriptions. In the video, you will learn about why Google outranks descriptions that include keyword stuffing.

Are you wondering about the best way to use keywords in the blog description? If yes, then the answer is easy. Do decent research on the LSI Keywords related to the primary keyword and use them in writing descriptions. This tactic will help you get more clicks. And guess what? More clicks mean more popularity and improved ranking on search engine results.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do you describe a blog description?

It’s a cluster of words that appears just below the website URL on search engine results pages.

What is a blog post description?

It refers to the blog post description that appears in the Search Engine Results Pages just below the URL of your blog post. However, a post description varies from one blog post to another.

How long should a meta description be according to the Search Engine algorithm?

The maximum length of the meta description should not exceed 160 characters. If it’s written over 160 characters, the extra words will not appear on the Search Engine Results Page.

Is it important to use keywords in the Blog Description?

Definitely, you should not ignore the power of both primary and secondary keywords. However, you should not use them more than once while writing a description.

It’s Your Call – What Are You Waiting For?

Blog descriptions offer incredible benefits for bloggers and website owners. They serve as a powerful SEO exercise, proven to help bloggers meet their blogging needs in various niches.

The main objective of blog writing is to engage with the relevant online audience, while also generating substantial organic traffic and leads.

Wrapping Up!

This useful article is provided by our young and talented copywriting expert, who is a creative thinker, blogger, and responsible for content promotion on several web pages and websites.

If you love what you have read, don’t forget to share this article with someone you think should read it! Remember, “Sharing is caring.”

Happy blogging, fellas!

Sunny Kumar

Number of posts: 145

Hi, I'm Sunny Kumar, a passionate tech enthusiast and a blogger from New Delhi, India. With a degree in IT from IIT-D and expertise in SEO, Cloud Computing, Telecom & Networking, and CEH, I specialize in various technical fields, including SEO, WordPress Development, and PC Building. And being a proficient WordPress user, I’m dedicated to delivering quality content and a remarkable user experience.

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